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Kid Castle Educational Institute



Training Center

Please ask your branch director for the password to access these files.


Sound Pronunciation This short and simple handout explains the correct way to pronounce sounds.

Language Arts

Teaching Songs Here are Teacher Gloria's top tips and ideas for teaching songs.

Games and Activities

Teacher Jim from Sanchong ChongYang branch has been a guest speaker at several of our workshops. Here are some of Jim's tried-and-tested Kid Castle activity favorites. Many thanks to Jim for sharing these great game ideas!

Games and Activities 1 Here are some general favorites.

Games and Activities 2 This selection is more suitable for older students.

Games and Activities 3 This list focuses on reading games.

Games and Activities 4 A collection of fun games.

Textbook Introduction

Classroom Management

Classroom Management Some strategies for maintening order in your lessons!

Lesson Planning

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