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Kid Castle Educational Institute



About Taiwan

People come to Taiwan to explore, experience something different, have an adventure, and a story to tell. Many people who come to Taiwan end up staying much longer than intended! The charms of Taiwan include:

  • Favorable Expenditures: Many teachers find it easy to save money due to the low cost of living.
  • Warm Weather: Enjoy tropical weather for most of the year.
  • Proximity to Mountains and Beaches: The center of the island boasts some of the tallest mountains in East Asia. Yangmingshan, Taroko, and Sun Moon Lake are some favorite scenic areas.
  • Learn Chinese: Taiwan is a great place to immerse yourself in Mandarin, however, it is possible to get by in the big cities with English and a very basic knowledge of Chinese.
  • Convenient Travel: The high speed rail connects all the major cities between Taipei in the north to Kaohsiung in the south, a journey that takes just 90 minutes. Regualr trains and luxury buses connect all other areas. Taipei and Kaohsiung have rapid transit systems. Furthermore, Thailand and Philippines are a short plane ride away when you need a vacation.

If you enjoy a hobby or activity back home, the chances are good that you will be able to pursue it here in Taiwan. Or, better yet, you can pick up something new! Taiwan: it's yours to discover!

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